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Siskiyou Mountain Range

The Blog

BLM Pilot Thompson Timber Sale Update

Public comments have been received and posted by the BLM at the following website. Scroll down toward the bottom of the page and click on the numbered comments under the heading EA REVIEW INPUT. Community comments regarding the Pilot Thompson project identified many areas of concern.

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Middle Applegate Pilot Projects: Monitoring and Information

The Middle Applegate Pilot Project is being touted as a new and innovative approach to forest management, emphasizing forest restoration and the retention of old-growth trees. The project is based on the dry forest restoration principals created by Norm Johnson and Jerry Franklin and claims to focus on reducing fuels, increasing forest resiliency, and treating overly-dense forest stands. The prescription calls for retaining all trees over 150 years of age, yet in the project’s initial timber sale (Pilot Joe) old-growth trees were logged along with other trees that, although not over 150 years of age, were not consistent with project objectives, principals, prescriptions and guidelines. The logging of these trees contradicts the claims and analysis in the Environmental Assessment, as well as statements made by BLM officials at public meetings, field trips, and other outreach efforts for the Pilot Joe Timber Sale. In the midst of this controversy the BLM has proposed stage two of...

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Fort Complex Fire: Summery of Outcome and Events

The Fort Complex Fire burned within the Red Buttes Wilderness and adjacent roadless areas on both the Klamath and Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest during the summer of 2012. Although the fire burned in a healthy mosaic indicative of mixed severity fire, impacts were sustained due to irresponsible fire suppression tactics. Shortly after the fire, the Klamath National Forest proposed salvage logging within the Kangaroo Roadless Area. This proposal has been canceled due to significant public outcry, yet controversy still surrounds the management of fire in the roadless areas and wilderness areas of the Klamath-Siskiyou. The link below explores these issues in the context of last summer’s fire. Fort Complex Fire: Summary of Outcome and Events Low severity fire on Fort Goff Creek summer 2012

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